Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Monday Miscellany with Bobby Bowden's Ghost

The afterlife provides the best viewing of college football, and this weekend was no exception. The heavenly big screens were on full blast in 4-HD (you’ll be getting this on earth in a generation or two) and the collegiate footballs were all the talk around the holy water cooler.

Mah boy got the shaft! The favored children of the ACC fall to Bama, and I call shenanigans on Rick Saban and Alabama’s defense. A petition has been made to the almighty to have his Saban-ness on the receiving end of a moderate smiting.

Beanie Wells hurt his foot. I had nothing to do with this. It’s simply a reflection of how Slowhio State’s fans’ actions and words continue to bring the wrath of God upon them.

Florida should be brought up on charges. Isn’t rape still a crime down there?

Several Auburn players were injured while attempting to fly. Apparently the pilots down on the plains need more qualified flight hours before attempting to take to the air again. The good news is that Auburn’s defense and special teams are still as good on offense as they were last year. Tuberville blamed former OLB Will Herring and his “high gravity machine” for the Tigers’ struggling aerial game.

Pitt lost to Bowling Green and Virginia Tech lost to a Directional school in a pair of “upsets”. Wait a sec. Let me repeat that so that you can understand the gravity of that statement. VIRGINIA TECH LOST TO A DIRECTIONAL SCHOOL. That’s like losing a foot race with a fourth grader who has polio. Seeing how we’ve pretty much stamped out polio, it’s both improbable and sad.

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