Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A Little Something for the Fans

This picture has nothing to do with anything, but is always funny

That’s right folks, there are two perfect games this weekend. A perfect game for Auburn fans to watch and a perfect game for Bama fans to watch. What are the perfect games you ask? They might not be what you would think.

Bama fans the perfect game for us is the Auburn vs. Tennessee game that will be on at 2:30 more than likely on CBS.

Auburn fans should enjoy Georgia vs. Alabama’s struggle that will be on ESPN at 6:45.

Why do I consider these games perfect? It’s pretty easy. Alabama fans hate two teams more than any others in the country, Auburn and Tennessee. What greater joy can an Alabama fan have then watch their two bitterest enemies tearing into each other. It’s win, win for us. If Auburn gets beat, we get to see tubs trying to explain to everyone what exactly went wrong and that he didn’t play Burns because he didn’t think he would fit against the Vols’ defense, not because he is a racist. If the Vols lose we get to see Fatty Fulmer’s face swell up like a tomato, and a press conference explaining why he is invaluable to the Rocky Top nation.

For the Aubies in the crowd you’ve got your most hated rival going against your oldest rival (according to the name of the game). The possibilities are endless, Bama might be humiliated by the Dawgs, Georgia could have its NC hopes dashed before a national audience, you might see Saban lose his cool, or Richt start to cry. You play both these teams in two of your last games. One of them is about to lose and take a huge morale shot.

So Alabama and Auburn fans, sit down in front of the TV grab you some beer and chips and enjoy a perfect game on Saturday. These kind of match-ups between two teams you probably hate don’t come around every year. No matter who wins someone you hate loses!

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