Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday Miscellany: Blame the Pokies Edition

I blame the pokies

Bobby Bowden’s Ghost will be taking a week off, but the Monday Miscellany will not. It was an interesting weekend, with some big egos taking very big bruisings. Without any ado:

Auburn decided to try playing European Football over American Football against Mississippi State. With a final score of 3-2, and all of the points on the board being scored by the Tigers, it appears that they succeeded. Auburn’s defense looked stellar again, shutting State down on all third down attempts. Neither offense showed anything resembling a life, and the Tigers did everything possible to keep State in the game with 3 turnovers, 2 missed field goals, a safety from a holding penalty in the endzone, and one very scary injury to tailback Brad Lester that saw him going to the hospital for evaluation. In fact, other than actually winning the game, Lester being reported okay towards the end of the fourth quarter was the offensive high point of the night.

Slowhio State once again proves me right. Soft conference, overrated team, media darlings, etc. I was willing to give the Suckeyes a chance to prove me wrong. If they had even played USC close I might have started printing their team and school name properly. Thank God they continued their pattern of “self destruction while on a national stage”. Let’s not take anything away from USC here, though. The Trojans played a flawless game and showed that, at the moment, they are the best team in college football. I wish Auburn would buy more high quality players like So. Cal, as apparently the NCAA does nothing about recruiting violations these days.

BYU did something awful to UCLA. At this very moment, Rick Neuheisel is in a court appointed moderator’s two-way mirrored play room, pointing at a doll to show where he was touched. Seriously, 59-0? In other news, Phil Fulmer’s stock has dropped 68% since the markets opened this morning.

Another year, another terrible showing against South Carolina for the Bulldogs. Georgia squeaked out a win over the Gamecocks 14-7. The Bulldogs were only able to put it away with an interception of a Smelley pass with 13 seconds left on the clock. A poll of everyone watching this game revealed that most people thought South Carolina should have won, with most respondents noting, “At least it wasn’t the Auburn/Miss. St. game.”

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