Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Quarterbacking That Ass Up On The Plains

After one game using two quarterbacks, Auburn is now confusificated. Kodi “the Burninator” Burns was 4 for 9 with 15 yards passing and 69 yards rushing (heh). The Burninator ended up leaving the game in the 3rd Quarter due to a cut on his leg that resulted in seven stitches. Buck up little camper, chicks dig scars.

Meanwhile, Chrissey “the Demon QB of Fleet Street” Todd was 9 for 18 with 70 yards passing and -2 yards rushing. Chrissey had the positive of throwing Auburn’s only passing touchdown, and the negative of throwing Auburn’s only interception.

Offensive coordinator Tony Franklin managed to throw off both quarterbacks and the entire offense by swapping them out each drive, effectively ensuring that neither QB could get a decent rhythm going. Add in the fact that both guys are feeling the pressure of their final auditions for the starting job, and you have a fine recipe for the aerial disaster that we saw on Saturday.

For this week’s game against Southern Miss, the Demon QB will get the start because of the Burninator’s injury. While I personally think that the Burninator would be the best option for Auburn’s offense long term, we’ll see how Chrissey does. I’m rooting for at least one of them to succeed, if not both. If given a chance to get his rhythm going, I think Todd will do fine.

This issue has been hashed over by much more intelligent writers and fans than myself, so I’ll limit my commentary to what I know: awesomeness. Kodi the Burninator is such an awesome name. I would much rather make repeated posts with the awesome “consummate V’s” and Kodi spitting fire than the terrible job I did on Todd’s photoshop. Sorry buddy, your name just doesn’t lend itself to as awesome a nickname as Kodi’s does.

Long story short, Todd’s knowledge of the spread offense will give him an advantage in the short term, until Kodi can catch up. On the other hand, the Burninator’s added running dimension makes him the most viable long term candidate to best run the spread (or whatever modified version we’re using).

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