Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Alabama's Quarterback Might Be Retarded

I say "might", because AJ McCarron is only the suspected frontrunner for the Quarterback job at the University of Alabama. I say "retarded" because of the stunningly questionable placement and size of said tattoo. It doesn't help that in the above photo, the tattoo in question kind of looks like a tiger's head looking to the left, and that he is kind of rocking a summer beer gut.

This may be old news to the forum lurkers among you, but I had not heard about it until today. A close up of said tattoo leads us to the first ever Dammit Herring tattoo critique:

First, props for using Jesus. I can appreciate and fully approve of religious themed body art. But, as they say, the devil is in the details. The "Bama Boy" up top leaves very little room for a "this didn't work out so let's transfer to another school" situation, should Philip Sims edge you out for the QB slot. The graffiti-like names placed across the piece are probably tributes to family members, but they look kind of busy. The dove fits well with the Christ theme, as well as serving a reminder that you can pull some serious John Woo shit under center. The "McCarron" across the bottom is actually my favorite part, as it makes the whole thing look like some crazy ass Baptist Coat of Arms.

Overall: B+ for originality with some minor deductions for how busy it looks.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I think I know that girl in the photo. Very dumb tatoo!