Monday, November 24, 2008

LoLCats: Notre Dame a l’orange edition

In all of the ruckus surrounding Texas Tech’s asswhupping at the hands of Oklahoma, you may have missed that Syracuse, you know, the team that was so bad that they weep openly before games and whose only wins were over Northeastern (that’s a school?) and Louisville, beat the Notre Dame Faltering Irish 24-23.

Nah, you probably didn’t miss that. You, like the bulk of Americans, were squealing with glee as the final score update flashed across the bottom of the screen of whatever tolerable football game you were watching, because you sure as hell weren’t watching this sad excuse for a game. And if you were, would you like to clean my car for free, since you obviously have a tremendous amount of unproductive free time at your disposal.

So to recap, Charlie Weiss is now 28-20 in four years at Notre Dame, giving him approximately the same winning percentages as previous Irish coaches Bob Davie and the much maligned Tyrone Willingham. Kudos go to the ND athletic department, who managed to replace a tolerable coach in Willingham with an insufferable lardass who had one good year off of Willingham’s players, and has consistently led the Irish to ruin since then. The cats… they are laughing at you.

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