Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday Miscellany with Bobby Bowden's Ghost

G'morning everyone. *mumbles incoherently* This is the ghost of Bobby Bowden and a young Filipino Elvis Presley, coming to you from heaven, which bears a striking similarity to Tallahassee, Florida. With college football only 4 days away, memories of my coaching days are dancing like sugarplums in my head, so I thought I would do what I used to do during my final living days, and embody senility.

According to MSN FOX Sports, Tommy Tuberville is ranked #8 on their pre-season coaches list and has "owned 'Bama the last eight years". Aren't we getting a little ahead of ourselves here?

In Tae Kwon Do, a Cuban athlete kicked a referee in the face after being disqualified in a bronze medal match in the Olympics. Much more awesome Tae Kwon Do knockouts here. Bet'cha didn't think 'ol Bobby knew about the karates did'ja? You were wrong.

Randy Shannon has suspended almost everyone for Miami's opener against the fearsome Charleston Southern Buccaneers. In other news that no one cares about, Georgia Southern suspended eight players, including two starters, which I'm assuming is code for "anyone who was willing to play".

In a move that shows how well Tommy Bowden's offseason aggression traing is going, Clemson safety DeAndre McDaniel will only receive enrollment in a program for first time offenders to resolve charges of assault and battery. Cool. If only all of us who covered our girlfriend's heads with a comforter, punched her, and pushed her down a flight of stairs could be so lucky.

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