Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lovely Countdown

We are only 9 days away from the first games of this college football season, and only 11 days away from the big guns hitting the field. I'll be spending next Thursday in a bar with beer and hot wings likely watching South Carolina dismantle NC State.

The pictures above are courtesy of a little site that I think everyone should be familiar with and should provide hearty support to, Poon of the SEC. They do a fantastic job of breaking down the barriers of rivalries and hate in the SEC by focusing on the one thing that brings us all together: hot college tail

Finally, if you aren't familiar with Every Day Should Be Saturday's Fulmer Cup, you should be. Orson and his crew dole out points for offseason criminal mischief and hand out the aptly named award to the team with the most points when the season starts.
This years likely winner? The University of Alabama, courtesy of the fine young man pictured below:

Jimmy Johns doesn't care for your laws, or your razors

Jimmy Johns' arrest for possession and distribution of cocaine gave the tide that extra push they needed to do what they've been attempting for years, be the best at something relating to football.


Kirk said...

I just want to say that I support this site and everything it stands for.
I love Alabama and want to be on Nick Saban.

Drew said...

I too want to be on Nick Saban. This will become more apparent when I post my open letter professing my love to him.