Thursday, September 13, 2012

For the Auburn Tigers, It’s time to be “All In!”

Don't be so glum Aubies. People who know me know my feelings towards the Auburn Nation. Let me say it bluntly. I don’t like Auburn, I never have and I probably never will. I almost threw-up when during the 2010 Iron Bowl and again having to see Cam Newton hold up that crystal ball. It almost ruined our 2009 National Championship. It’s nothing personal against Auburn fans; it’s just ingrained into me. Auburn = Pure Evil.  And yet here I am going to try and help Auburn. I told my boss last Wednesday, and Thursday, and Friday that Chizik had not coached a more important game since the 2010 National Championship then the Mississippi State game this year. Why? Because I knew that if he lost it, the wheels would begin to come off the Auburn Express.

Whenever I hear Auburn fans say, “We’re a family at Auburn,” and “Everyone at Auburn from the fans, to the coaches, to the players are ‘All in!’.” Why do I laugh? Where was this family spirit for Tommy Tuberville? Where was it for Barrett Trotter? Where is it now for Kiehl Frazier? Auburn fans, and I’m not talking about just the nuts that call into radio shows, were once calling Gene Chizik the best coach in the country, now they call him a joke. If you guys are a family you are a f***ed up one. And guess what all teams are like that; Alabama isn’t a family. If Nick Saban had three losing seasons he would go from god to the devil in Bama fans eyes. We love him as long as he’s winning. My point Auburn Fans, you aren’t a family don’t pretend that you are.

Auburn is on a precipice right now. Things are worse than even Auburn fans realize. It’s not just a 0-2 start. It’s not that one of those was a blow-out. Look at last year. Auburn’s record of 8-5 doesn’t begin to tell the story. Auburn won a miracle game against Utah State at home, they needed a goal line stand to beat Mississippi State, and they barely beat Florida at home when the Gators had their third string QB in. And the big elephant in the room, the five humiliating blow-out losses to Clemson, Arkansas, LSU, Georgia, and Alabama. There were some wins against South Carolina and Ole Miss, but all in all it was not a great season by any stretch. The 8-5 record sugar coated last year’s season, but deep down Auburn fans knew something was wrong. They weren’t competitive in any of their big games.

And so the year has begun and the Tigers are 0-2, losing 28-10 to a team they almost always beat. Not just losing, but Auburn looked awful. Kiehl Frazier played poorly; the offense lacks weapons, and Auburn’s secondary made Tyler Russell look like Peyton Manning. I’m sure “Fire Chizik” WebPages are already going up. My colleague Drew Holland has already predicted a 4-8 season.

Well Auburn fans all that seems pretty bad, and I know what you’re thinking. How does this article help Auburn? He’s just badmouthing us. Well I had to get all the bad stuff out of the way. Here comes the good stuff.

1) Auburn has a lot of talent on their roster. Gene Chizik and company have brought in a lot of four and five star guys over the past three and a half years. Auburn has the talent to compete with almost anyone. Note I do say almost anyone.

2) Don’t give up on Van Gorder, Loeffler, and yes even Chizik. These guys have had success, Van Gorder has been successful at Georgia, Loeffler has coached Tom Brady, Tim Tebow, and Chad Henne all who had college success. And yes regardless of Cam Newton, Gene Chizik did win a National Title. Would Auburn have won it without Cam Newton, probably not? But guess what you guys did win it. Enjoy it, despite what others say you won it fair and square.

3) Quit expecting your team to win a national title every year. They can’t and they won’t. Auburn is a good program, sometimes a great program, and every now and again a national power. But you guys aren’t USC, you’re not Ohio State, and you’re not Alabama. Someday you might be, but you’re not right now. So what 60 programs in the country would love to be Auburn.

4) This year is not over!!! I can’t say that enough. Yes you’re 0-2. Guess what you have 10 games left. Auburn fans fill the stadium next week. Whip up on La. Monroe. Yes I know they beat Arkansas. Who cares? You’re the better team, take your aggression out on the Warhawks and blow them out of the water. Then get ready to give LSU and Arkansas everything you’ve got.

5) You guys will get better, these coaches live and breathe football and they will correct these problems.

I’m not trying to blow smoke up your ass here. When it comes to football I try and be honest. I thought Bama played pretty shitty ball against Western Kentucky this week. So there you know I’m honest. Like I said I’ve always laughed at Auburns “All In!” signs. Well guess what Tigers; it’s time to be “All In.” Don’t abandon your team; this is when they need you the most. I still don’t like Auburn; I hope you go 0-12 this year. So get behind your team and prove an asshole like me wrong. In 2003 when Alabama lost a clunker of a game to Northern Illinois I was angry and embarrassed, but next week I got my Bama shirt ironed and went to see us lose to Arkansas in 2OTs the next week. We won four games that year, but I still bought season tickets for 2004. Go get your ugly ass orange and blue, go see your dumb-ass eagle fly around the stadium and support your team. Because they are still your team no matter what. Don’t jump off the ship, stay on the ship and start bailing water. It’s not over till it’s over, so what you’re 0-2. Finish the year 10-2. In the words of a fan-base I can’t stand to be around and a team I despise, “War Damn Eagle!”

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