Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Rumors A-Churnin' Down on the Plains UPDATE: Tuberville So Fired

Tuberville gone? Mike Leach in the running as a replacement?

The entirety of this post is heresay, so please treat it like you would anything you hear on the internet, as fact.

What I’m hearing out of Auburn is that Tubbs is gone with a capital “O”. And a capital “G”, “N”, and “E”. Apparently he met with Athletic Director Jay Jacobs (can we fire him too?), President Jay Gouge, and a few Board members, who told him that he had to dump the bulk of his offensive staff. Tubby said “no” and told them that if they didn’t like it, they know what his buyout is. Supposedly, over the past two days meetings have been going on between Tubbs and the administration to negotiate a reduction in the buyout.

This leads us to the follow up, who will Auburn get to replace Tuberville? Apparently contact has been made with Texas Tech coach Mike Leach, who, according to the same internet facts that I’m sourcing above (the astute ones among you will notice I have not actually sourced anything yet), is interested in the Auburn job if it’s on the table.

So if this is all true, what does this mean for our Tigers? I have no damn clue. I would love to see some actual offensive production from Auburn, but worry about how a Big 12-style spread offense would hold up against even mediocre SEC defenses. What I really want to see from this administration and the Board of Directors is the desire to find a coach who will win a National Championship, not just beat Bama every few years. Yes, Tuberville gave us our best shot at a National Championship in 50 or so years, but he has also squandered talent, lost a game he shouldn’t have almost every one of those ten years, become complacent, and has been misguidedly loyal to staff members who should have been sent packing in 2003.

Do I support Tuberville going at this point? Yes. I think it’s time for a change at Auburn. However, I worry that whatever change comes, it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. War Damn Eagle!

Per Evan Woodbery Tommy Tuberville is out as the head coach at Auburn. I can't say that I'm sad to see him go, but I do want to convey my respect for what he did for Auburn University. I may have not liked his coaching style or the way that he conducted himself during contract negotiations, but he brought Auburn football to a level of prominence nationally that we have never seen. Good luck to you in the future Mr. Tuberville. And ding! dong! the Tubershell is dead! WOHOOOOO!

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