Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How awesome is it that College Football is One Day Away?

Maaaaaaaaaake Oooooooooout!

We are T-Minus 1 day away from Christmas in August! And, like the young ladies in the illustrative photo above, I'm very excited.

And now, I'm proud to present some very uninformed and poorly researched predictions for the opening day games:
  • Ball State over Northeastern - mostly because all my friends say that I "like balls", whatever that means.
  • UTEP will crush Buffalo - I've seen the Bulls' offensive line in person. I'm a buck fifty wringing wet, and am the same size as some of them.
  • Central Michigan over Eastern Illinois - Oooooh. Directional schools. I picked CM because "c" comes before "e" in the alphabet. See? Well researched.
  • Indiana State will squeek one out over Eastern Michigan - I'm calling an upset in the Sycamores' favor, mostly because I think directional schools are silly.
  • Cincinnati over Eastern Kentucky - Sure, Cincy screwed me in the bowl last year (at least it wasn't the Meineke Car Care Bowl...), but I think they can take care of a directional. See above for additional reasoning.
  • Hofstra over Connecticut - Entirely based on the fact that Marques Colston came from Hofstra, and I like him.
  • Georgia Tech over Jacksonville State - Not even Ryan Perrilloux can stop the terrifying team whose mascot dies when it attacks something.
  • Miami(FL) over Charleston Southern - Even with 7 starters out for this first game, Miami should be able to handle a directional disaster. Maybe they should make directional schools only play each other?
  • Vandy on top of Miami(OH) - I'm taking the SEC over the nice Miami for no other reason than Miami is located in the same state as the Suckeyes (points for originality?).
  • Troy St. over Middle Tennessee - No matter how hard you try, 2nd tier Trojans, you will always be Troy State in my heart. Also, Middle Tennessee is bad.
  • Wake Forest will hand a beating to Baylor - when I think about a Baylor Bear, I don't think "ferocious man eater" so much as "Berenstein".
  • Iowa State over South Dakota State - YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWN. That being said, it will probably be more exciting that 3/4 of the Olympics was.
  • South Carolina will dismantle NC State - Or maybe they won't. I don't believe that O'Brien can un-Amato the wolfpack quickly enough to best Spurrier.
  • Oregon State over Stanford - Mostly because Stanford is saving their upset again for USC, who they will have "right where they want them" on the Cardinals' home turf
Hit the jump for more pictures of girls making out. They're all SFW (Safe For Work) unless your boss/IT guy is of the douchey persuasion.

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